Archive for the ‘actuality’ Category

G8 and L’Aquila – Augias Comment

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Earthquake victimes of L’Aquila hoped ,maybe, that powerful men of Earth, assembled in their town for deciding destinies of world , would decided also , in that particular occasion, to give some aid to people which lives in a tent and, lost the work, lost also means for support himself.
At contrary the news has been that powerful States of world had no power of deciding.
Why , consequently , such meeting if such powerful men don’t deciding nothing ?
One can also ask why Press and Television continued to speak on about this meeting of men without power.
I don’t understand also popular protests if powerful men can’t decide nothing. Protests against what ?
I can only understand protests from side of earthquake victims .
Meeting of L’Aquila revealed to be a vanity fair which offends poverty in which it happened.
It is eight years that all the world repeats that G8 is dead. Only Italian politics and journalists don’t know it.

Iranian crisis

Monday, February 28th, 2011

A solution, usually realized by dictatorships, is a bloody repression. So it happened in Budapest and Prague at the time of Sovietic Union and in Tienamen square in China. But such States were rocks and a foreign help put in danger worldly peace.
Today Iran is an isolated State. Other than some little State of no importance, it has no allieds. As a matter of fact it is a terrorist State allied only with terrorist organisations.
Repression is possible but it would be a trial of “bètise” that not guarantees in the long run régime’s duration.
The imposing dimension of popular demonstrations suggests to think that56 there is a crack also at the top of power. Arrogance of Kameney and of his “Gauleiter” aren’t a danger only for peace of world, but also for Iran itself.
It is possible that such a danger is under the eyes of committees which control Country’s policy. There is a force faithful to actual leadership. But there is also a national army which could favour the moderate part of power.
Wisdom suggest that two parts find a point of balance.
The risk is not only the civil war, but the possibility of a serious danger in the entire middle-east region.

Teheran june ‘09

Monday, February 28th, 2011

The demonstrations of Teheran and of the most important towns of Iran (Isfahan a.s.a.) are a collective example of that I definited,in other writings, “freedom ‘s desperation”.
Electoral riggings are only a pretext. Exigency of a multitude really impressive is freedom,individual and collective, to oppose to a fanatic dictatorship, clearly drawn up against peace in the world.
Such demonstrations aren’t like those of ’79 leaded by Komeiny. At that time there was an absolute religious power against the absolute laic power of Reza Pavlevi. There was also the cold war.
Today the purpose is freedom, is democracy that a theocratic power want to deny.

“Eluana affair”

Monday, February 28th, 2011

The problem is not life or death of Eluana. The problem is the freedom.
Only Eluana can chose to live or to die.
If somebody out, God or State, decide in her place, he should violate the most sacred of human rights, i.e. he should individual freedom of Eluana. In absence of a wrote declaration of Eluana, nobody can nothing decide.
Only Science could decide if it his able to have a scientiphic truth due to the fact that “Eluana is in a vegetative state for 17 years.
At this point there is a declaration of father on about the will of Eluana when she was alive.
True or false, decision is entrusted to Magistrature.
Various orders of judgement, besides that of supreme European Court of human rights, decide that declaration is true. Consequently the choice attributed to Eluana, i.e. her freedom, must be respected.
Discourse can to end here. Also life and death must be always reflected in the freedom.
Without freedom, life and death don’t have any sense.

On earthquake of L’Aquila and sorroundings (Italy)

Monday, February 28th, 2011

“Il faut réduire le hasard au minimum”. So Sartre said in ’40s. It needs to reduce chance at minimum.A civil society, a modern democracy must learn to contain the destructive power of natural calamities, represented by one of four Apocalypse’s riders.Voltaire in “Earthquake of Lisbon” want that man learns to dominate these catastrophical events.Somebody said that earthquakes are, at least approximately, predictables and he risked, like at the time of Holy Inquisition, to be sent in prison.Scientists, those officially in public institutions, declared that earthquakes are not prediclables “in absolute way” forgetting that all absolutes fell to the end of ’800 by crisis of positivism and of scientism. The famous “God is dead for compassion in regard of men” of Nietzsche.A scientist out of institutions declared not impossible to predict earthquakes.Today in Japan there are earthquakes without deads and not all buildings fall in ruins. And it is not a question of miracles.Anti-sismic organization and technologies offer means for containing dangers of calamities.The most important matter is don’t be absolutes in negative sense.

Paradox in Vatican

Monday, February 28th, 2011

An obsessive bawling against about one million of couples, an absolute silence for one billion of believers offended in their faith.
A great bawling , incessant and obsessive, against legalization of about one million of gay couples. At the same time an absolute silence in regard of blasphemous use , for sake of gain, of the Christ, use which offends sensibility of about one milliard of christians and also the common sense of laimen who , in respect of their freedom’s moral , worry about dignity of christians. This is the superiority of classic moral in comparison of religious morals. Obsessive bawling and absolute silence of Church of Rome : a paradox who should be absurd if not expressed from Vatican .The Pope and his prelates know what they do and particularly what they say. The obsessive bawling is referred to the origins of humanity that must remain immutables also when danger is minimum and at beginning. Absolute silence is referred to an attack against a sixth of humanity that Church can well control due to the fact that purpose of blasphemous men is only money. Also italian imitators are ignored because considered admirers of golden calf and not divulgers of humanism. As a matter of fact ancient Arians , who wanted humanize the Christ, had a strong opposition also from side of Costantin (see Concile of Nicee) but resisted up to Attila and longer. For the Church at origin of humanity there is not person but family. Anibody is opposed to this principle, also if minority, must be fighted and possibly destroyed without pity. Also if the Church is conscious that pathriarcal family , lasted about three thousand years, is now dead, the Church is also conscious that family of couple is failed immediately , is born dead. The Church is conscious of that but it has no alternatives. It don’t know what to invent. In any case it can’t accept a family who can’t procreate. It should be negation of future, not only of humanity, but of Church itself. It is better to tolerate illicit trade of symbols of love and of grief that Church is always able to control. Consequently war without pity against Pasolini who sees the grief in Virgin Mary at the foot of Cross, but paraded indifference in regard of Mel Gibson , Dan Brown and of their italian imitators. Such men are not against a procreating family of a perhaps degraded humanity. At contrary such a humanity also better should be object of a purpose of life for the Church.?

Usque tandem Catilina?

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Usque tandem Catilina? Where Cicero is represented by America and Catilina by little and confusing Italy.
On about Italy in Liban we have spoken in the blog on Sarkozy. Two thousand and five hundred boys armed only of guns between terrorists armed of rockets. In such a case irresponsability isn’t only of italian Parliament but also of UNO and of Europe. And for Europe we have in mind continental Europe, practically France that, in fact, hasn’t a foreign policy. It is consequently what we hope in Sarkozy’s policy.
We find an analogy in Afghanistan where two thousand italian soldiers don’t hold suitable arms to face a possible taleban attack. And here irresponsability is totally italian. In fact it is recriminated by americans themselves.
But the paradoxal fact is happened in Somalie. Ethiopians and Americans destroy terroristic bands hired by Al Kaeeda . We shall say in other blog duties of Italy in regard of this Country. Well, instead of thanking, italian authorities damn liberators. Such a paradox has only one explanation: the anti-american sentiment of good part of italian politic class. It is an anti-american sentiment which, leaving from the now prehistoric soviet sentiment, that don’t want to be recognized like prehistoric, has consequently reached the beginning of insanity.
Usque tandem Catilina?

Sarkozy for an euro-american symbiosis

Monday, February 28th, 2011

I too,sartrian, if Chirac permit I vote in France, I would vote Sarkozy like André Gluksman and Bernard Henri Levy.they too, if I well remember, very near to Sartre. As a matter of fact Sarkozy has explained a foreign policy while Ségolène Royal haven’t nothing of it. Sarkozy is proclaiming he want place himself near Anglo-Americans, surely not in subordinate position but for cooperating to the war against terrorism also where there are wars forgotten. It is what America has always asked to Europe. If Sarkozy will keep his promise, there are good probabilities that politic Europe could birth do to only foreign policy can realize such a miracle. The dialogue’s policy is a non-policy, a total absence of policy. It is the apotheosis of absurd. Dialogue with who ? With terrorists ? War isn’t between Liban and Israel but between terrorist Hezbollah and Israel. Absurdity of libanese situation is evident. The army without arms of Italians at mercy of terrorists reveals irresponsability of UNO, of Europe and of Italian Parliament. We help consequently Sarkozy hoping he don’t change his word. Continental Europe, which has the basis on the reconciliation ,like Chirac said, between France and Germany, point of departure surely noble, should have a future near Europe of Nord who follows England. It should be the Europe’s birth.

Iranian affair and mass–media like praise of barbarity

Monday, February 28th, 2011

After the death (I think so) of Bin Laden,the allucinated eyes of fanatic iranian leader are become the reference’s point of the numerous organizations of terrorism. Such organizations are completely independents, never connected between them for safety’s reasons. The most responsable of fame of such a leader are the occidental, particularly italian, mass-media who cover lies and iranian insanities.

Continue on

You must save little Mary!

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Little Mary is a world affair:
a challenge of barbarity between Bielorussie and Italy.
You must save little Mary!

In Bielorussie a little girl named Mary, ten years old, was tortured and violated in a State orphanage. Succeeded to save herself in Italy, italian “carabinieri” arrested with a blitz the little girl consigning her to her torturers in Bielorussie. This are the facts, i.e. a challenge of barbarity between Bielorussie and Italy.
Now what tribunal shall have to judge such a crime against humanity?
Russie, egemonic power in its Region, has covered Bielorussie. Europe, leader in regards of Italy, don’t exist and no european State, in name or not of Europe, has declared his judgement. UNO has clearly expressed its judgement giving a seat to Italy in the Security Council. Security of who?
Of little Mary, now in the hands of her torturers and consequently in danger of life for fault of Italy?
It remains only to confide to sweet heart of Condoleezza Rice who, as representative of the greatest world power can ask to an international tribunal to order Bielorussie to free immediately the little girl transfering her in a neutral Country (as Switzerland) and incriminates bielorussien and italian authorities for crimes against human rights.
Little Mary is a world affair because crimes against humanity are a world affair.