Archive for February, 2011

CONTRO Ugo Ciappina’s story robber and martyr

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Some American and South-african universities has discovered, with my great surprise, one of my book which was published forty years ago in Milan, that is in 1968. Not only, but they have also succeeded, I don’t know how, in coming in possession of one copy, they have reprinted it and, even though it is in Italian, they have placed it at students’ disposal in their libraries and also in the two biggest libraries in America, the civic one in New York and that of American Congress in Washington. The universities which have discovered my book and have reprinted it are: - Brown University of Providence (Rode Island) - Princeton University of Princeton, N.J. (New Jersey) – University of South Africa (UNISA) of Pretoria At the same time, the University of Michigan has discovered another book, not mine, but which mentioned me and published in Milan back in 1982. This book, whose title is “Nel nome di Matteotti”, talked about the Italian Resistance and especially about Brigate Matteotti, and I was mentioned as one of vice-commandants. Also this book was reprinted and placed at students’ disposal in the university’s library. The fact that in America attention is paid to Italian books which aren’t in English doesn’t surprise me as from my Website my books are downloaded in America and in Italy in equal quantity. My reflections is that America want to gain the primacy in the divulgation of culture all over the world, which in the past was primacy of Europe and, especially of France. But, in my modest opinion, Europe has sat and America has started to gallop overcoming the obstacles of time and language. It remains to decipher the cultural interest that has lead to the discovery of these books but especially how they have succeeded in getting their material availability. A possible explanation could be reserved to the book about Brigate Matteotti. The University of Michigan was evidently interested in the Italian Resistance and in the world catalogue it has found different books among with that about “Matteotti”. It’s obscure how they found my book also gaining the availability, besides the evident appreciation received after almost half of a century for the fact that it has been reprinted and made available in libraries. At this point, I must specify that the book narrates a real but extraordinary story and that the history of the book is also extraordinary. If a film had to be made, it would tell two stories at the same time, the story of the book and the story narrated by the book. It is worth reminding briefly the vicissitudes of this book. The title of my book is “Contro” and, in origin, the manuscript had a subtitle: “Ugo Ciappina’s history, robber and martyr”. The book narrates the story of the robbery in via Osoppo which, at that time, was counted among the biggest robberies of the century. The event occurred at the beginning of 1958. The authors were immediately identified and arrested. The process took place in the autumn of the same year. I was drawn as juryman. This is the way how I learnt about the event and, when the process ended, I decided to narrate it. But the President of Trial, whose name was Gustavo, suspecting my intentions, opposed it immediately. In front of the manuscript he pretended to read and correct it. He was seriously worried. According to me he was even frightened. The fact that the author or, as they said, the “brain” of robbery (that is Ugo Ciappina) used the Milanese “Mala” (obviously without declaring it) to carry out his personal revolt and, at that time, political revenge against the catholic-communist regime which dominated Italy after 18 April 1948. Ciappina was in Resitance, he was tortured in San Vittore by Germans, he lost his job because, as a member of national commission as Socialist of the Resistance, he was disliked by maters, Catholics and communists. Being on the rocks he fell a prey to a false revolutionary who was an infiltrator, first on behalf of Germans and then of Catholics.communists of regime. When he discovered the deceit, he noticed that the regime brought the infiltrator to safety abroad and at the same time it kept on at him. In this way Ciappina found himself alone in the “Mala” to plan his revolt and his revenge. In practice he planned assault to sky. At this point I need to specify the situation of the “Mala”. By tradition, it had its code which it respected, a pact, always existed, of a certain tolerance between the “Mala” and police forces. But there were some limits and when they were overcome, the State intervened hard. The type of robbery and the intentions of his author largely overcame these limits and this would have menaced the existence itself of the “Mala”. The important person of the “Mala”, called the “professor”, had guessed Ciappina’s intentions and he fought till pang in order to avoid the robbery. He thought that it as the end of everything. When he understood that everything was useless, he found a way to be arrested and he hanged himself in prison. So even President Gustavo didn’t want that Ciappina’s motivations appeared in the book. The robbery had to be only robbery and there hadn’t to be any political motivation. Regime press was at Public Prosecutor’s beck and call and Ciappina’s evidence was completely ignored. President Gustavo was really frightened, his career was implied and he wanted at all costs to stop the appearance of this truth in a book. He continually obsessed me to read and correct my manuscript. The historical background, from which the event originated, was completely deleted, names had to be invented and the event had to be declared as imaginary. Ugo Ciappina became Guido Festa, via Osoppo became via dei Pardi and the same happened for all the characters. This incessant wavering lasts about 10 years. At the same time the fear, clearly declared, got publishers out of the way. Till when, in 1968, an unexpected event happened. A dishonest publisher who, as many others, was in possess of my manuscript, had translated it and adapted it to theatrical performance, obviously without political implications. When I learnt about this, I called a lawyer who stopped this matter and who, at the same time, in order to avoid further possible complications, indicated me to a little brave publisher who published my book. Obviously President Gustavo worried and after some months, two plainclothes police officers honoured me with a visit. Initially, they were agitated but when I reassured them that without advertising and with little organisation I had reached more or less the 14 Manzoni’s readers, they became quiet and wanted to reassure, with my telephone, the President who evidently was waiting anxiously. In this way the adventure of this book ended. In this way till now. Because it still continues, after forty years, in America and South-Africa. At this point, I would like that libraries add to the reprinted book this blog and the historical background I put online (Communication n.10) some years ago and that has been already downloaded in the dozen of thousand of copies all over the world. Also because at the beginning the historical background was integral part of my manuscript.

“In the name of Matteotti” and University of Michigan

Monday, February 28th, 2011

At the same time that some universities of America and of South-Africa discovered one of my books, i.e. “Contro”, published in Milan in 1968, the University of Michigan discovered a book on “Brigades Matteotti” of italian Resistence which cited my name as one of vice-commandants. This university had in hand a copy, reprinted it and put it in its library available for students and teachers. Now I am one of few survivors of the Brigade s Matteotti and consequently I can give again a testimony on history of this glorious brigades. My Communication n.10, downloaded all over the world, from my website by dozens of thousands copies, makes an historic revision of italian after-war. In such a revision I narrate the disintegration of socialist party produced, Nenni accomplice, by catholics and communists which after 18 April 1948, gave origin to catholic-communist régime. In such a process of disintegration the “matteottini” were the most hit because in the name of the martyr were the real socialists as English, Swedish and socialists of North-Europe. The most part of socialists became either filo-catholic or filo-communist. The real socialists, as “matteottini”, were persecuted in any way. Also the founder and general commandant of Brigades Corrado Bonfantini from Novara was persecuted. He was hit also in his family. The party of Nenni became real property of communist party. At the beginning of 70s De Martino and Mancini hired Martuscelli, a magistrate in temporary retirement, as judge of socialist party in order to expel, also without any reason, all the “matteottini”. In exchange, the two secretaries promised Martuscelli the voting station for the Senate. When the promise was not maintained, Martuscelli, deceived, disclosed the matter on all newspapers including the “Corriere della Sera” which still maintains in archive all documentation. It is sufficient to demand it. I agree to thank the Michigan University for having remembered us. It will be useful to enclose my blog to the book. Only for historical truth.

Atlantic Europe

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Paraphrasing conclusion of “Nadja” of Breton ( “Beauty shall be convulsive or shall not be”) we can to say that Europe shall be atlantic or not shall be. Practically, in the actual situation, the sole Europe of today is UK with States and parties which follow it in its atlantic policy at the point to consider english-american the american Empire. Continental Europe which could have a noble point of departure like reconciliation franco-german , at contrary it is inactive. During celebration of fiftieth anniversary of Pacts of Rome it was lacking only Requiem Mass of Verdi. At contrary of what one says , it don’t exist no union either monetary or mercantile. each Country has a buy-power different from that of other Countries . The ratio dollar-euro is eccentric. Dollar quotes 30% less than Euro but its buy- power in America is three times higher than Euro. All economists are silent. Requiem Mass also for them. It is vain to speak of health, pensions, schools etc… Sarkozy promised atlantic policy. After that it is possible harmonize the different interior policies. Atlantic policy should be an act of wisdom. It needs don’t forget that from 11 Sept. 2001 we are living a new worldly war , more insidious and difficult than those previous. What Europe could do without american cover?

Liberals and socialists vanished also historically

Monday, February 28th, 2011

In the italian politic kaleidoscope the numerous parties busy themselves in interminable discussions to the purpose of building at least a pair of parties , one to right and one to left , which can fight in a electoral ground. v It is a fact that , vanished in Italy politically and historically either liberals or socialists , which are political structure of Europe, Italian situation presents at right historical catholic-fascism of mussolinian memory and at left historical catholic-communism of phlegmatic and always alive Andreotti. In fact it is impossible to find in Italy socialists like Turati and Matteotti, liberals like Croce, Giolitti and Gobetti. Only italian eccentricities are alive. We can add a thing , also this particularly italian. During 1979 ( see “New Humanism”) we anticipated a political upsetting in Europe ( as a matter of fact there was the fall of wall) and, for Italy, a kind of saprophitism of political class, i.e. a slow decay of survivors in act also today. It shall be necessary, consequently, to await the conclusion of process of decomposition.

Paradox in Vatican

Monday, February 28th, 2011

An obsessive bawling against about one million of couples, an absolute silence for one billion of believers offended in their faith.
A great bawling , incessant and obsessive, against legalization of about one million of gay couples. At the same time an absolute silence in regard of blasphemous use , for sake of gain, of the Christ, use which offends sensibility of about one milliard of christians and also the common sense of laimen who , in respect of their freedom’s moral , worry about dignity of christians. This is the superiority of classic moral in comparison of religious morals. Obsessive bawling and absolute silence of Church of Rome : a paradox who should be absurd if not expressed from Vatican .The Pope and his prelates know what they do and particularly what they say. The obsessive bawling is referred to the origins of humanity that must remain immutables also when danger is minimum and at beginning. Absolute silence is referred to an attack against a sixth of humanity that Church can well control due to the fact that purpose of blasphemous men is only money. Also italian imitators are ignored because considered admirers of golden calf and not divulgers of humanism. As a matter of fact ancient Arians , who wanted humanize the Christ, had a strong opposition also from side of Costantin (see Concile of Nicee) but resisted up to Attila and longer. For the Church at origin of humanity there is not person but family. Anibody is opposed to this principle, also if minority, must be fighted and possibly destroyed without pity. Also if the Church is conscious that pathriarcal family , lasted about three thousand years, is now dead, the Church is also conscious that family of couple is failed immediately , is born dead. The Church is conscious of that but it has no alternatives. It don’t know what to invent. In any case it can’t accept a family who can’t procreate. It should be negation of future, not only of humanity, but of Church itself. It is better to tolerate illicit trade of symbols of love and of grief that Church is always able to control. Consequently war without pity against Pasolini who sees the grief in Virgin Mary at the foot of Cross, but paraded indifference in regard of Mel Gibson , Dan Brown and of their italian imitators. Such men are not against a procreating family of a perhaps degraded humanity. At contrary such a humanity also better should be object of a purpose of life for the Church.?

Usque tandem Catilina?

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Usque tandem Catilina? Where Cicero is represented by America and Catilina by little and confusing Italy.
On about Italy in Liban we have spoken in the blog on Sarkozy. Two thousand and five hundred boys armed only of guns between terrorists armed of rockets. In such a case irresponsability isn’t only of italian Parliament but also of UNO and of Europe. And for Europe we have in mind continental Europe, practically France that, in fact, hasn’t a foreign policy. It is consequently what we hope in Sarkozy’s policy.
We find an analogy in Afghanistan where two thousand italian soldiers don’t hold suitable arms to face a possible taleban attack. And here irresponsability is totally italian. In fact it is recriminated by americans themselves.
But the paradoxal fact is happened in Somalie. Ethiopians and Americans destroy terroristic bands hired by Al Kaeeda . We shall say in other blog duties of Italy in regard of this Country. Well, instead of thanking, italian authorities damn liberators. Such a paradox has only one explanation: the anti-american sentiment of good part of italian politic class. It is an anti-american sentiment which, leaving from the now prehistoric soviet sentiment, that don’t want to be recognized like prehistoric, has consequently reached the beginning of insanity.
Usque tandem Catilina?

Sarkozy for an euro-american symbiosis

Monday, February 28th, 2011

I too,sartrian, if Chirac permit I vote in France, I would vote Sarkozy like André Gluksman and Bernard Henri Levy.they too, if I well remember, very near to Sartre. As a matter of fact Sarkozy has explained a foreign policy while Ségolène Royal haven’t nothing of it. Sarkozy is proclaiming he want place himself near Anglo-Americans, surely not in subordinate position but for cooperating to the war against terrorism also where there are wars forgotten. It is what America has always asked to Europe. If Sarkozy will keep his promise, there are good probabilities that politic Europe could birth do to only foreign policy can realize such a miracle. The dialogue’s policy is a non-policy, a total absence of policy. It is the apotheosis of absurd. Dialogue with who ? With terrorists ? War isn’t between Liban and Israel but between terrorist Hezbollah and Israel. Absurdity of libanese situation is evident. The army without arms of Italians at mercy of terrorists reveals irresponsability of UNO, of Europe and of Italian Parliament. We help consequently Sarkozy hoping he don’t change his word. Continental Europe, which has the basis on the reconciliation ,like Chirac said, between France and Germany, point of departure surely noble, should have a future near Europe of Nord who follows England. It should be the Europe’s birth.

Iranian affair and mass–media like praise of barbarity

Monday, February 28th, 2011

After the death (I think so) of Bin Laden,the allucinated eyes of fanatic iranian leader are become the reference’s point of the numerous organizations of terrorism. Such organizations are completely independents, never connected between them for safety’s reasons. The most responsable of fame of such a leader are the occidental, particularly italian, mass-media who cover lies and iranian insanities.

Continue on

You must save little Mary!

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Little Mary is a world affair:
a challenge of barbarity between Bielorussie and Italy.
You must save little Mary!

In Bielorussie a little girl named Mary, ten years old, was tortured and violated in a State orphanage. Succeeded to save herself in Italy, italian “carabinieri” arrested with a blitz the little girl consigning her to her torturers in Bielorussie. This are the facts, i.e. a challenge of barbarity between Bielorussie and Italy.
Now what tribunal shall have to judge such a crime against humanity?
Russie, egemonic power in its Region, has covered Bielorussie. Europe, leader in regards of Italy, don’t exist and no european State, in name or not of Europe, has declared his judgement. UNO has clearly expressed its judgement giving a seat to Italy in the Security Council. Security of who?
Of little Mary, now in the hands of her torturers and consequently in danger of life for fault of Italy?
It remains only to confide to sweet heart of Condoleezza Rice who, as representative of the greatest world power can ask to an international tribunal to order Bielorussie to free immediately the little girl transfering her in a neutral Country (as Switzerland) and incriminates bielorussien and italian authorities for crimes against human rights.
Little Mary is a world affair because crimes against humanity are a world affair.

Three poetic passages and new writing of our age’s history

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Three historical passages of italian poëtry disclose the sense of our age:
“Il dolore” of Ungaretti closes first half of century
“Le ceneri di Gramsci”, with many doubts, open second half which
“La generazione tradita” concludes giving face to hope.

Each Country shall find analogies in its own literature.

Click for communications n.10 and n.11