Parkings of bicycles are spread anywhere ion the town . Bicycles of municipalities are availables without expenses for ncitizens that can use and place them on arrival.
Everybody knows that workers of London and Paris go to work by bicycle.
Half of streets of towns and quarters is occupied by rails and the other half by cycle tracks. On the two sides pavements for pedestrians .
Cars are rarely present . They are reduced at necessary minimum. In interior, in the first morning, for downloading goods , in exterior for services and essential freights. A definitif stop to jams of avenues
Now Japanes are p5roducing on worldly level electr4ic batteries in oirder all motors are in the future electric , giving aq goodbye to pollution.
Archive for the ‘technology’ Category
Bicycles in the town and cars outside the city
Monday, February 28th, 2011For the future town
Monday, February 28th, 2011In a world always more global it becomes inevitable transformation of social structures. The world, which shall come aut of actual crisis , shall be different from what provoked it. At contrary
it shall birth death.
Transformation becomes inevitable in those Countries which have experienced politic classes. Some of them are already on the right road .
Our blogs have the purpose to explain subjects on about structures, which must be transformed , in order to create an organic project.
We have already put online blogs on about buildings, quarters ,rails, tram , trains , alternate energy, ideology of our age a.s.a. Other blogs shall follow.
Consequently I invite all interested web-sites to link one-other4 in order to cooperate for realizing project.
The tram under home – Augias comment
Monday, February 28th, 2011When I was little boy, Milan dwellers said to have the tram under home. In anywhere they should go they knew by heart the number of each tram and its destination. There was a number for each destination from somewhere point of the town one could leave. There was not destination without number. And one left from under home.
Today please see corso Buenos Aires or via Dante or corso Vercelli and the road for Giambellino, corso Lodi and all the roads for suburbs.. Goddard made a film on terrible suburbs of Paris.
Billows of cars thickened like the multitude of manifestations of mass with high crests of smoke.
Now Milan dwellers say that not even Uraja, that nullified Milan for five centuries , would be successful to reduce this town like now.
Rails ad communications
Monday, February 28th, 2011Trams and rails also in the most remote angles of town. A capillary diffusion of rails and trams. The RER, i.e. underground, to connect various quarters and for going directly to suburbs. Aerial viaducts (they abound in Tokyo) for the loading and downloading in the various quarters. Railways ramified in al directions with left from all quarters for commuters and a railways of high velocity for long distances. Airplanes are useful over two thousands kilometres. Airports must be reached directly from each quarter through underground or railway. Cars must be parked out of suburbs utilized only for that railways cannot serve.
Towns and quarters are green sides for pedestrians and bicycles offered by towns to citizens and parked anywhere.
These are communications in and from any town.
Production of cars must be strongly reduced. It must be substituted by trams, railways in a strong way.
Buildings and quarters
Monday, February 28th, 2011The buildings must be settled following rules regarding:
- antiseismic exigency
- energy saving
- use of new energy sources (solar panels a.s.a)
- the “buildings” named “popular” must be cancelled also into dictionary.
The same building, anywhere it is, can contain either luxury or economic abitations.
Banks and similar institutes must be located at first floor (like in St. Germain). The ground floor must be reserved to “lumières” of shops and public services.
Like in historic centres, in each quarter must b e locate a great square with theatre, auditorium and premises. In other words, quarters must be equipped as historic centre, must be settled like real towns inside of a great metropolis.
Los Angeles offers an example. As I said elsewhere, connections between quarters must be easy in order to favour cultural exchange and of services. “Ça va sans dire” that the green can’t have limits.
One can conclude that a town as explained in my blogs, Can easy guarantee security of citizens because offers crucial spots with capacity of large control.
Alternative energy
Monday, February 28th, 2011Japan settled, with rules over said, 90% of building patrimony leaving from ‘50s. Practically half century of work. The same thing should happen in Europe, particularly in Italy.
But, at the problems of building, of town-planning, and of communications it is necessary to add that of alternate energy.
Algerian State covered with solar panels a zone of Sahara producing electric energy. It invited Europe to make the same thing. Anybody wishes produce electric energy in the Sahara can have concession by Algerian State. Italy could make so through ENI and ENEL.
Energy must be transported and the transport is another work to add to production.
Consequently petrol’s production would be reduced with advantage for surroundings.
These new energy should bring benefit to entire planet.
Fans and wind energy
Monday, February 28th, 2011Fans, one says, offend panorama.
At contrary it seems that America filled Arizona of fans. Maybe Arizona don’t have a nice panorama. But world is large and certainly there are places where it is possible not to offend panorama.
Because wind energy is an important possibility of which it is necessary to take care.